The value of staying invested all days in the index

The value of always staying invested in the index.
Interesting data from Business Insider. The key take away from the chart was that even if you missed the 10 best days for staying vested in the market (when the lows help you average out), the rate of return almost halves from the 9.22% average return rate.

AAPL DCF Valuation 2014


  • Based on my DCF analysis below I feel that the stock is undervalued. Please see the conclusions and detailed analysis at the end of the report.
  • With the iwatch patent approved, and iphone6 in the wings, this analysis is still conservative.

My analysis is based on the following financial data for Apple:

Financial data used to feed the model
As always, please click on the image to enlarge.  The per-share information for aapl:
Financial per share data for aapl

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