How to induce growth into your career?

Recently read a nice article on how to improve in your career. As described in the article, there are two approaches to reach a better career path:
1. Boredom induced - where your skills grow faster than your challenge dfifficulty and
2. Anxiety induced - which is the other way round.
Growth patterns for the career.

It nicely suggested that the second approach is better.

Which sports has the highest paid athletes in the USA?

National football league  - hands down!

Based on a chart from here.

Highest paid athletes - per sport

Comparison of unemployment numbers across the world - a snapshot

World unemployment numbers as seen on the BI website. Please click on the image to enlarge.
This chart show s the global unemployment and also shows how much of the youth are unemployed. Youth unemployment being higher is generally more troublesome because it indicates that the strongest and the fittest part of the population is not able to find work - which can typically lead to the downfall of the society.
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