The vicsious circle of low US interest rates

1 trillion china reservews - china buys treasuries -- and since liquidity is ample -- us govt pays less interest --- so less taxes for the country  --- more money to spend on cheap chinese goods -- more chinese goods brought -- chinas reserves grow ---- back to step 1

Why it may not make much economic sense to write an Facebook App

Interesting chart by the business insider which shows that it is not very useful (of course relatively) to write Facebook apps.  However, things have to still be kept in perspective. The 10% is still from a user base of 600Million+ users. Hence at any instant of time, you will have more than 60million+ users on facebook apps, which is still pretty neat.

That is what I think. :)
Time spent by a regular Facebook user.

Despite not selling enough phones (in volume) apple (aapl) is still making a killing

Graph showing aaapl's performance in the smart phone market.
Apple domination of the smartphone business 2011
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