Apple slated to have $200Billion in cash by 2014

According to a recent projection by one of the analyst, Apple (aapl) is slated to have $200B in savings pretty soon.
Apple projected and historical cash per share

Comparison of Apple and Samsung smartphone and tablet sales in the US

During the recent patent wars, these giants have had to give out their numbers here

Smarphone sales comparison - apple (aapl) and samsung USA
Comparison of tablet sale performance - aaple and samsung in the US.
.As can be seen from the numbers in the US markets, Samsung sales numbers are not even close. Hence if Andriod is really doing well in the US, it should be selling a lot more of HTC and other manufacturers than Samsung.

Why investing in high growth (GDP) countries may not work

The simplest reason could be that for any amount of money invested, these countries typically growing economies like India and China have a high rate of equity dilution resulting in a decrease in the EPS (and hence a reduction in growth seen per share brought).

This item was originally discussed here.

This is also clearly seen from the plot below by an analyst at Morgan Stanley:
(click on fig to enlarge)

Country-wise comparison of the average earnings growth with the annual dilution  - highest for high growth countries.

Correlation of international markets 10 years

Correlation of markets across the world (24 countries)
 This chart shows an interesting trend of the correlation of market performance across 24 countries.

It should be observed that when the bad news came, not all market reacted in the same fashion.
This can be seen because the correlation index decreases immediately after the bad news hits the markets.
The source of this figure is here.

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