Comparison Apple vs Microsoft profits
Friday, April 29, 2011
3:34 PM
Labels: aapl , comparison , msft , plot , profit , stock price
Labels: aapl , comparison , msft , plot , profit , stock price
Comparison of profits - apple and microsoft |
There was a big positive movement in satisfaction with the country’s direction after 9/11, despite a deteriorating economy; there was another positive spike with the capture of Baghdad. After that, however, despite a genuinely improving economy, public perceptions slid steadily — reflecting, I believe, the sense of betrayal over the Iraq war, and also the Katrina disaster.
Income distribution for the quintiles |
“By leaving out additional sources of income – like fringe benefits or employer-provided health insurance – past studies have dramatically understated American households’ access to after-tax resources.” said Dr. Burkhauser. “What we found is that the rich did get richer over the last 30 years, but so did the middle class, the working class and the poorest.”